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ART GIRLS is the art gallery that represents the best female artists.

2% is the weight of women artists in the art market.

This is not about statistics.
It is about the mark that we will leave for generations to come.

Not worrying about the place of women artists today,

it's not leaving role models for the little girls of tomorrow.


Solo show, JUNE KIM, in partnership with Arthemort, NFT Paris, Grand Palais Ephemere

In 2024, we open 300m2
for female artists
less than 5 minutes from Paris.

After 4 years of working on the move, 4 years of renting different spaces, creating, trying, starting again, rethinking, reorienting... It is with immense pride that we announce the opening of the first permanent premises of the ART GIRLS GALLERY.

This opening would never have been possible without the support of our community which allowed us in 2023 to gather the first necessary contribution via the organization of crowdfunding.

At the beginning of September 2024, it is with great pride that we announce the opening of 300m2 dedicated to women artists.

We hope this is the first space in a long series.

Merci pour votre envoi !

 The newsletter 

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